Hyderabad and Seek

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetThis page is a compendium of exciting South Asian food. I am passionate about anything Subcontinental but I have a special place in my heart for the food of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. In Australia the South Asian food scene (labelled indiscriminately as ‘Indian’) is dominated by Punjabi food to the extent that the vast majority of restaurants – with names like ‘Saffron’ and ‘Taste of Spice’ – have nearly identical menus, serving samosas, butter chicken and a gulab jamun if you’re lucky. The Subcontinent has an incredible gastronomic wealth and diversity and I find it frustrating how little people outside of India know about it.

This blog is dedicated to exciting South Asian food.Not only the food that is not accessible in Australia’s Punjabi dominated restaurant menus, but also food that is new, inventive and draws on multiple sources of inspiration. I am incredibly excited to be doing this even if I don’t get any hits as it will be a wonderful resource to have all of my recipes in the one place.

I am a 21 year old student living in Melbourne, Australia. Since my first trip when I was 15, I have been travelling to the Subcontinent every year and have fallen head over heels in love with the region. When I go there I usually do a foodie’s tour spending most of my time jumping from restaurant to chai wallah to dhaba to street cart. South Asian food is my passion and hopefully given my experience in South Asia and my confidence in the kitchen, I can show you some cool things!

Big love




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